School District Tests Biofuel for Bus Fleet
- Jun 5, 2012

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Cromaglass’ CromaCollege showcases continual improvement in on-site wastewater technology
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Our great grandparents recycled meat drippings into soap. Today their great grandchildren recycle meat drippings and waste cooking oil into biodiesel, cosmetics, animal food additives and hundreds of other useful products. Included in the recycling equation are new systems for capturing and recycling kitchen drain water fats and oils.
In the 1980s, the grease removed from restaurant grease traps, including automatic grease removal systems like Big Dipper® , sometimes was disposed into dumpster trash. At the time, many food service locations did not access to grease recycling services and dumped waste fryer grease, meat drippings and interior grease traps into their garbage waste.
Thermaco accidentally stumbled into an answer for grease trap thermal inversion. and, at the time, did not know it. In mid-2003 we were working on developing high capacity/small footprint grease separators capable of meeting the ASME A112.14.3 Standard. This is the separation efficiency and retention capacity certification standard for passive (non-automatic) grease separators.